LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Retired volunteer firefighters showed their support for area first responders during a weekend of 9/11 remembrance.

What You Need To Know

  • America marked 21 years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks

  • Members of the “Retired Senior Volunteer Program” shows gratitude toward local first responders

  • RSVP members visited several fire houses on Monday

Alberta Thompson was near retirement age when the U.S. was attacked on Sept. 11, 2001. She’s been an avid volunteer in those 21 years since the attacks.

“We can give to the firemen because they’ve been so good to us,” Thompson said.

On Monday, Sept. 12, the 80-year-old and fellow members of the Louisville Retired and Senior Volunteer Program assembled more than a dozen goodie baskets just so they could say “thank you.”

Chris Clements is the RSVP program coordinator. They said giving back is something people thrive on.

An Okolona firefighter dons an American flag shirt at an event honoring 9/11 first responders. (Spectrum News 1/Jonathon Gregg)

“They love helping out others, doing charitable work, helping out non profits and that’s what we try to do. We try to find them a good fit and help out with a certain cause,” Clements said.

Alberta and company spent the afternoon visiting a handful of Louisville fire houses, meeting and greeting with the men and women whose mission is to help those in need. For these Okolona firefighters, the small token of appreciation has a big impact.

“We are very thankful for them, so thank you all for showing up!” Okolona Fire Chief Mark Little told the visitors on Monday.

It’s been 21 years since the 9/11 attacks and these volunteers take the phrase “Never Forget” to heart.

“Right after Okolona here we’re going to head over to Black Mud, then go to Highview, and then we’ll wrap it up in Fairdale today,” Clements said.

It’s their gratitude driving them to also say “thank you” in person.