LEXINGTON, Ky. — July is Parks and Recreation Month and the city of Lexington is celebrating by collaborating with four local businesses to raise money.

What You Need To Know

  •  For Parks and Recreation Month, the city is celebrating with several events, including a collaboration with four local businesses

  •  Myriad Meadery is among those businesses and will sell a special flavor of mead on July 14

  •  Part of the proceeds made on that day will go towards planting more trees in the community

  • The meadery is the first of its kind in Lexington and opened in February

Doug Price, along with two business partners, recently opened Myriad Meadery, the first of its kind in Lexington.

“We started in February of this year so we’re only a couple months old,” said Price.

When Price began making mead, it was a process of trial and error, but he eventually began to produce a product that others took notice of.

“I was making this stuff back at home whenever I was home-brewing and let all my friends and stuff try it, and they thought it was really good,” Price said. “So I brought it into work one time, ‘cause I’m also a brewer over at Mirror Twin, and everybody enjoyed it there and our partners saw this building open up and we decided that it was time to pull the trigger and open up a separate spot.”

The meadery’s menu has expanded since it opened a few months ago.

The business was approached to collaborate with the city for Parks and Recreation Month, and have come up with a special flavor of mead for its assigned day.

“We’re going to have our special mead with pineapple, cherry and vanilla, but also we’re having a special trivia that night as well,” said Price. “We’re doing a ‘Parks and Recreation’ TV show-themed trivia.”

Myriad Meadery will have its event on July 14, and part of the proceeds made from that will go toward planting trees in the community.

Other businesses that are taking part throughout the month are Lussi Brown Coffee Bar, Olive’s Apron Bakery & Tea Shop and Genesis Coffee House & Eatery.