LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A lawyer representing the family of a Kentucky man who was fatally shot by Louisville Metro police last week is pushing back against the official narrative of what happened.

What You Need To Know

  • The attorney for a man killed in a police shooting disagrees with details of the case

  • Aubrey Williams says Mark Jaggers Jr. was investigating a suspcious car parked behind his house

  • Louisville police have said the undercover officer was approached by Jaggers while trying to catch a suspect in an unrelated investigation

  • Kentucky State Police are investigating the case

Police have said Mark Jaggers Jr. was shot June 19 while trying to carjack an undercover police officer, but attorney Aubrey Williams said the 21-year-old man was confronting a suspicious vehicle with tinted windows that had been parked behind his home in a location frequently used by people to ditch stolen cars, the Courier Journal reported.

Williams said officials presented “a false face and caricature of the truth” when describing what happened.

Louisville police have said the undercover officer was approached by Jaggers while trying to catch a suspect in an unrelated investigation.

Kentucky State Police released body camera video of the shooting that showed Jaggers walking to the driver’s-side door of the unmarked police car and pointing a pistol at the officer when the door opened. The officer fired several shots and Jaggers fell to the ground. While the officer calls in an attempted robbery, Jaggers can be heard denying that he had planned a robbery.

Kentucky State Police said the investigation into the shooting is continuing.