LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Tributes began pouring in after the passing of legendary basketball coach Denny Crum. The former Louisville coach stalked the sidelines for other 30 years with the team, leading them to two national championships in 1980 and 1986. Current and former UofL staffers, coaches and players shared their sentiments for the forever Cardinal.

“Today is a sad day for me personally, as well as the basketball world," said Louisville basketball coach Kenny Payne, who played on Crum's 1986 national championship team. "My thoughts go through all the lessons that he taught, not just to me, but every player he ever came in contact with. Those lessons are still relevant today.  We were so blessed to have him in our lives."

"He embodied what a coach should be: he cared deeply about his players, he worked tirelessly for his university, he espoused the right values and stuck to them and he lived each and every day for his family," shared UofL Athletic Director Josh Heird. "Coach gave his heart and soul to this university and this community and he will forever be a part of our past, present and future."

John Calipari, coach for the archrival Kentucky Wildcats, said Crum was, "kind, had a great sense of humor but make no mistake about it, he was a competitor who wanted to win every game." 

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell shared his tribute to 'Mr. March,' saying, "The Cardinal community loved their coach and will miss his calm leadership both on and off the court.  We send our deepest sympathies to his wife Susan and all of his friends and family.”

See more tributes to the Hall of Fame coach below: