TOKYO — Shoichiro Toyoda, who as a son of the company’s founder oversaw Toyota’s expansion into international markets, has died. He was 97.

What You Need To Know

  • Shoichiro Toyoda, son of Toyota's founder, died at 97

  •  He was responsible for expanding the company's global reach

  •  Toyoda was president when the Georgetown, Kentucky plant opened in 1988

  • A funeral was held for close family

Toyoda, the company’s honorary chairperson, died Tuesday of heart failure, Toyota Motor Corp. said in a statement.

He was the father of Akio Toyoda, who recently announced he was stepping down as president and chief executive to become its chairman. Shoichiro was the eldest son of Kiichiro Toyoda, who founded Toyota in 1937.

After becoming Toyota’s president in 1982, Shoichiro Toyoda helped direct Toyota’s transformation into a global automaker, especially in the vital U.S. market, where its brand became synonymous with quality, durability, cost performance and engineering finesse.

Both father and son experienced the difficult years of “Japan-bashing,” when powerful Japanese exporters like Toyota were blamed for taking away American blue-collar jobs.

The company opted to become a member of the U.S. auto community, showing that Toyota was an asset, creating jobs and value for the American people.

Toyoda was president of Toyota Motor Corp. when the company opened its Georgetown plant in 1988.

Gov. Andy Beshear released this statement when he learned of Toyoda’s passing.

“On behalf of all Kentuckians, we mourn the passing of Toyota Motor Corp. Honorary Chairman Shoichiro Toyoda. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends and everyone associated with Toyota. Guided by Mr. Toyoda’s vision and leadership, Toyota has become a highly respected global brand and an organization that brought about positive change within the automotive sector, both in Kentucky and around the world. The Commonwealth honors his legacy and the bonds of friendship that have been built throughout a decades-long relationship that has benefited so many communities and families in our state.”

With his brother Tatsuro, Shoichiro Toyoda helped pave the way for Toyota to set up manufacturing facilities in North America. The company formed a joint venture with General Motors in 1983. It was called New United Motor Manufacturing Inc., or NUMMI, and its first vehicle rolled out in 1984 in Freemont, California.

The company relied on the founding family’s legacy and historical charisma to tide it through times of crisis, although Toyota has had many chief executives who were not members of its founding family.

Shoichiro Toyoda was inducted into the U.S. Automotive Hall of Fame in 2007, honored for his achievements in cementing “Toyota’s reputation as one of the most recognized and celebrated auto manufacturers in the world.”

He graduated from the prestigious Nagoya University in 1947 with a degree in engineering and joined Toyota in 1952.

It’s said that he earned the respect of fellow employees by working right beside them in factories. That underscored Toyota’s vision of valuing the workplace, what’s on the ground, or “genba,” as critical for morale, efficient production, innovation and quality.

Toyota’s beginnings were humble. Shoichiro Toyoda’s grandfather, Sakichi Toyoda, invented the automatic loom in a backyard shed, mainly because he wanted to help his mother, who often was weaving in their home.

People were skeptical when Kiichiro Toyoda said he wanted to build cars in 1933. Back then, Japan only had imported cars like GMs and Fords.

Today, “The Toyota Way,” a production method that empowers each worker for quality control, is viewed as the best in the auto industry. Toyota, which makes the Prius hybrid, Camry sedan and Lexus luxury models, is among the world’s top automakers in vehicle sales.

A funeral for Shoichiro Toyoda was being held for close family. A “farewell” event in his honor was being planned for a later date, according to Toyota. Details of other surviving family members were not immediately available.