LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A white Christmas — a positive light on the cold few days we’ve recently seen. But this can be a tough day for the unsheltered population in Louisville.  Jorden Brooks, along with his friends and family, is doing his part this holiday to add some Christmas magic.

What You Need To Know

  • Jorden Brooks raised money for winter supplies, which he put into boxes to give out on Christmsa day
  • Through his Gofund Me, Brooks raised $200 for the 30 boxes he gave out today

  • Brooks has seen his father struggle, which inspired him to give back

“I feel like with the recent years, a lot of people have struggled, and it’s really cold this year, so a lot of people need this stuff,” Brooks said.

Through a Gofund Me fundraiser, Brooks raised $200 to purchase winter supplies for those in need. He divvied up the supplies into 30 boxes that he gave out on Christmas Day. The boxes include items to help fight off the cold, including gloves, and some of the boxes even contain winter coats.

Brooks has seen his father struggle, which inspired him to give back.

“As an 18-year-old kid, there’s not much I can do to re-home these people and really put them where they deserve to be, but there are these little things I can do to help them now.”

For high school student and Louisville native Ella Stratford, Brook’s project gave her a way to give back to her community.

“Seeing that other people are finding anyway they can to help, is really nice,” Stratford said.

Brooks, a University of Louisville freshman, local musician, and now, Santa Claus, has a focused intent. “I have all these people I can make happy so I want to do it.”

Brooks will be accepting donations, monetary and supplies, until Jan. 5 through his Gofundme and more information is available on his Facebook page.