LEXINGTON, Ky. — A four-year-old basketball player wants to encourage other kids to become their best.
With one goal in mind, AJ Tribble has made it a mission to become a basketball player. “I Shoot and play defense,” Tribble said.
According to his father, Andrew Tribble, the practice takes place every day at a local Lexington YMCA. It’s also a way for AJ him to spend quality time together. He explained AJ has always had a passion for the sport.
“It’s amazing some of the stuff he wants to do. He blows my mind, and it puts a smile on my face every time,” Andrew said.
From in between the legs, to shuffling across the court, and shooting a basket. “As long as they love it, you should encourage them to do it,” Andrew said. He hopes to inspire other children and their parents to get involved with their children’s passions and dreams.
“Bring them around more kids and do the stuff they are doing. We just want kids to have fun and follow their dreams,” Andrew said. A dream that his dad says he will encourage as long as AJ continues to love what he does.
At four years old, AJ’s father says he is already playing with eight and nine years old within his community. He wants to show kids they can do anything they want to. All it takes is desire and practice.