While driving down the highway, there may have been a time when you noticed a series of colorful balls attached to power lines. Did you ask yourself what on earth could those be?
Well, they’re called marker balls.
Marker balls are colorful, spherical markers placed on power lines for the safety of low flying aircraft and to protect the electrical infrastructure.
They allow the electrical wires to be noticeable (especially during times of low visibility or inclement weather) thanks to their bold colors. The most used color is orange, but you may also see red, yellow and even white marker balls.
According to electricaltechnology.org, the diameter of marker balls can range from 20 inches to 36 inches. Each one usually weighs around 17 pounds.
The Federal Aviation Administration requires marker balls on many of the power lines near airports. You may also see them on electrical wires that cross a body of water or canyon.
Some speculate that the purpose of the marker balls is to weigh down the power lines to avoid wild wind movement.
Others have the assumption that the balls have weather sensors inside.
There have even been ideas that the balls are a type of surveillance in terms of speed control.
All are false, and these elevated objects are simply there for safety.