BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — There is smart and then there is genius level. Greenwood High school senior Veronique Demarse certainly earned the right to be called genius after getting perfect scores on both her ACT and SAT tests. 

What You Need To Know

  • Veronique Demarse scored a perfect 46 on the ACT and a perfect 1600 on the SAT

  • She first started preparing for the tests when she was in the 5th grade

  • This is the first time in school history that a student has had perfect scores on both tests

  • Point 4 goes here


Demarse says academics were heavily stressed in her household since she was a child. She credits her father for giving her that early head start when thinking about college,

“I took my first practice ACT test the summer of 5th grade," said Demarse "No 11-year-old wants an ACT test over the summer but it was my dad's idea and he sort of pushed me through that the entire time.”

Those practice tests paid off as well as a little friendly competition between she and her sister. She says it's something she never expected but just wanted to do better than her sister.

“When I got the ACT score back I was mostly excited because I beat my sister she got a 35," said Demarse "When I got the SAT I was very excited and very proud I felt on the test day that I did very well.”

Demarse scored a perfect 36 on the ACT and 1600 on the SAT. It is the first time in Greenwood High School history that a student has ever achieved perfection on both tests. As a result of her scores, Demarse has received letters from Ivy Leauge schools such as Yale. Denarse is taking classes Advanced Placement (AP) classes but the young lady couldn't be more grounded about the accomplishment. 

“It was also the unwavering support of my family around me that helped provide an environment where I could learn and thrive," said Demarse "I am very proud but I don't want to diminish the contributions so many made to it including all the faculty and staff at Greenwood.”

Needless to say she will have her choice of any school in the country. Her principal Adam Hatcher knows what an excellent student she is, but he is just as impressed with her demeanor.

"Her family really values education and not only is she great with academics but she's a great communicator," said Hatcher "You don't find both of those things in many students that score as high as she does.”

Demarse has not decided on which university or even the major she will choose. What she does know is that she will continue to follow in the path that God lays out for her. 

"I just want to serve God in whatever I do really," said Demarse "I am interested in so many things maybe I will be a teacher myself one day but I am also glad to have options."

Demarse is also involved in drama at school. She has promised herself to enjoy her academic accomplishments but also enjoy her last year with a good school and social life balance.