BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — Ryan Pattee has always had a passion for bicycles. He decided to open up Catalina Bike Shop after working on bikes out of his garage for years. 

What You Need To Know

  • Ryan Pattee works on all kind of models new and old

  • Catalina started in 2017 and partners with a local elementary school to promote cycling

  • Pattee repairs and customs up to 12 bikes a day

“It was a long road, so I’ve got three kids and they all helped with repairing bikes, cleaning bikes, washing them, and it just got so busy my wife and I decided we should do this outside of the garage," said Pattee. "It sort of snowballed from there.”

Cleaning, repairing and customizing about 12 bicycles a day in his shop, Pattee said he takes any and all types of bicycles, not just newer models. 

“People would come by for repairs and say, 'Oh by the way, I have an extra bike' or 'my kid has outgrown their bike,' and I said, 'Sure, I’ll take it,' and it started with just passing it along to either someone who needed a bike, an old neighbor who needed a bike, something to get around, or some kids who needed a bike as well.”

Pattee isn't the only person committed to fixing bikes. Tom Linner, who has been biking for 17 years, also stops in to help.

“Well, I’m riding bikes all the time and I see things. I happened to see his shop and I thought I'd stop in," said Linner. "I come here all the time, visit and even work on bikes with him from time to time.”

Pattee's love of biking extends beyond repairs and other work. He has partnered with Potter Gray Elementary School to promote cycling.

Pattee's goal is to continue being a cog in the community. He wants to continue to advocate for bike riding and serve as a place where everyone is welcome regardless if you are a customer or just curious and want to stop by. 

"I just want more people out biking Bowling Green. It is a very good place for it," said Pattee. "Each day, it seems like more and more bikers are coming in."