SACRAMENTO  –  Californians-For-All is a new initiative created to find volunteers all over California. With statewide stay-at-home orders in place, many nonprofits are struggling to keep up with demand. Governor Gavin Newsom says food banks have lost 70 percent of their volunteers since the coronavirus outbreak. 

In order to fill these volunteer gaps, the state has launched a new website, Californians-for-All, where people can sign up to give their time. It’s led by an organization called California Volunteers that has partnered up with a number of nonprofits across the state.

Giving blood for the American Red Cross is one way Californians can help others amidst COVID-19.

AmeriCorps member, Gaby Perez Albarracin, is working at the American Red Cross where she registers potential blood donors. She says her main objective is to serve our community. 

The American Red Cross usually relies on those who are retired as volunteers, but since the elderly are more vulnerable to the coronavirus, Perez is calling on a new generation to dedicate their time. 



“We also need younger people to step up now, so I’ll ask for our youth and young adults to step up now,” Perez said.

But the Red Cross isn’t the only organization in the state that needs additional hands. Josh Fryday, California’s Chief Service Officer, adds that there are many ways to volunteer in person and without even leaving your home.

“We’re asking people to give blood at blood centers, we’re asking people to deliver meals for seniors, there’s also ways you can make a difference from your home safely – check on your neighbors, make a phone call,” Fryday says.

After Governor Newsom’s new Californians-For-All initiative, Fryday hopes to be able to build a strong volunteer movement throughout the state.


“There are a lot of ways you can help out. Californians need to come together while we’re apart,” he said.

For Fryday and Perez, serving their community is more than just a job. Perez says it’s imperative to give back during this time.

“I think that the Red Cross is doing a great job because it’s very important for those in need, to have somebody to rely on… just making the blood supply run, just being there for you,” Perez said. 

She’s proud to be helping others in her community. Now, she feels that it’s her duty to call on others to volunteer in this time of crisis.

If you would like to volunteer, you can head to the website: