PALMDALE, Calif. – It’s another day of hard work for publicist Destiny Good. She has been in the entertainment industry for over five years and has been in the company of some of the biggest names at the biggest events, but getting attention for new clients isn’t always the easiest task.

“We are constantly going back and forth with media, going back and forth with managers, going back and forth with booking agents, and trying to prepare everything for this individual,” said Good.

One of Good’s clients is up-and-coming record artist Gabby B, a young artist in Miami who just recently put out a new single.


“I’ve been working endlessly to make sure I get her in the hands of the right people, the right media exposure,” Good said.

It turns out all she had to do was turn to TikTok. Believe it or not, one post got over 6,000,000 views in one day. It’s now up to 36 million views.

“After that video blew up, I’ve been getting so many fans and supporters, like they’ve been liking all of my videos,” Gabby B said via FaceTime.

It is free publicity even during the time of a pandemic.

“Very shocking, surprised. Immediately when they told me I said ‘wow we have to share this. We have to tell someone,” Good said.

Now she wants Gabby to keep going full force with TikTok as her own form of promotion.



“Look at what this artist is doing while self-quarantined. She’s still exposing herself. She’s still connecting with her audience even though we’re locked in the house,” said Good.

Working in entertainment, Good is used to surprises, but they usually aren’t this sweet. But as a publicist, it’s all in a day’s work.