It finally that time of year: sweaty weather season.

What You Need To Know

  • On average, this June has been about 13 degrees cooler

  • 90-degree temperatures haven't been as common so far

  • We will make up for the lack of heat this week

Right on cue, summer has finally decided to show up in Wisconsin! Up until Tuesday, it had been a fairly cool month of June, generally speaking.

As a matter of fact, some places in our state are hitting 90 degrees for the first time this year. When compared to what happened last June, that’s a little surprising.

By June 13 of last year, many locales had already hit 90, and done so a few times over.

Here’s a look a the number of 90-degree days the major reporting sites in our state have seen this year, prior to Tuesday:

For Milwaukee, June of last year brought highs of 70 degrees or warmer every single day of the month. That streak did not happen this year, as five days (so far) this June have been stuck in the 60s.

While many are always eager for the heat of summer to kick in, the average first 90-degree day tends to happen later in June for our central and eastern locations.

Which is why the heat we’re getting now is pretty much happening right on cue. That said, it’s not always the heat that you have to worry about. It’s the humidity!