Three former Milwaukee Bucks coaches were part of the 13-person Class of 2022 for the Basketball Hall of Fame announced Saturday.

Larry Costello will be inducted posthumously. He was the first head coach in Bucks history. He guided the Bucks to the 1971 NBA title and a Finals appearance in 1974.

George Carl coaching in the 1996 NBA Finals. (AP Photo, File)

Del Harris replaced Don Nelson and was the Bucks head coach from 1987-‘91. He is known as one of the game’s best teachers.

George Karl coached the Bucks from 1998-2003. He helped make the Bucks relevant again with a 2001 NBA Eastern Conference Finals appearance. He is 6th all-time for wins by an NBA head coach with 1,175.

The Basketball Hall of Fame induction ceremony will be September 10th in Springfield, Massachusetts.