MILWAUKEE — For Marty Selleck, every mile counts. He’s training for the Berlin, Germany marathon on Sept. 29.

“I think the most I’ll run in a week is 40 to 45 [miles] I think,” said Selleck.

What You Need To Know

  • Marty Selleck is training for the Berlin, Germany Marathon

  • He's running in honor of his nephew Sammy who has neurofibromatosis

  • Neurofibromatosis is a genetic disorder that causes tumors to grow throughout the spine, brain and nerve endings 

While the race itself is an accomplishment he’s running for something much greater. His 5-year-old nephew Sammy has neurofibromatosis (NF).

“It’s an interesting disease,” said Selleck. “It makes him susceptible to tumors throughout his body, throughout his spine, brain and especially his nerve endings.”

This is Selleck’s fourth marathon in honor of Sammy.

He said it’s with the hope of raising money and awareness for NF. 

“Provide research for doctors that are researching NF to help with treatments to help with surgeries and whatever it may be,” said Selleck.

While Sammy has some tumors, they haven’t reached a point of needing surgery or medication. Selleck said that he does go in frequently to get full body MRI scans.

Selleck said Sammy is like any other 5-year-old with an energetic personality. He enjoys swimming and is in kindergarten.

“I’m not a doctor, but I do have two legs, two feet and I can do this to bring a lot of awareness,” said Selleck. “It’s a disorder that doesn’t have a lot of awareness surrounding it.”

Even if it means running in another country, he’ll continue in his nephew’s honor.

To follow along with Selleck’s journey to Germany, click here.