REEDSBURG, Wis. — A safe and legal option for the anonymous surrender of a newborn infant is now available in Wisconsin.

What You Need To Know

  • The City of Reedsburg in Sauk County is the first in the state to offer a Safe Haven Baby Box. Reedsburg is about 20 miles southwest of Wisconsin Dells.

  • All someone has to do is walk up, open the box door, place the newborn inside and shut the door. This is legal in Wisconsin as long as the baby is unharmed and under three days old

  • The box is located at the Reedsburg Ambulance building, 230 Railroad Street
  • The nonprofit, Safe Haven Baby Box, also offers an anonymous number for any parent in crisis to text or call: 1-866-99-BABY-1

The City of Reedsburg in Sauk County is the first in the state to offer a Safe Haven Baby Box. Reedsburg is about 20 miles southwest of Wisconsin Dells.

Angelina Meise, a nurse with the Sauk County Health Department, said she’s passionate about advocating for women and babies.

She said she was a teenager when she became a mom, and remembers the initial feelings of fear and uncertainty.

“I had a supportive network of family and friends and a supportive partner, but that’s not the case for everyone,” Meise said. “That’s why we have this box.”

Meise led the effort to get the new Safe Haven Baby Box installed at the Reedsburg Ambulance building, 230 Railroad Street.

All someone has to do is walk up, open the box door, place the newborn inside and shut the door. This is legal in Wisconsin as long as the baby is unharmed and under three days old, according to the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families.

“This just gives an opportunity for anybody, not only in our area, but anybody that would be able to drive here or get to our station, to relinquish an infant who’s in crisis,” said Joshua Kowalke, ambulance director for the City of Reedsburg.

The Safe Haven Baby Box makes surrendering an infant completely anonymous. There are no security cameras.

The box has features to maintain a safe temperature in summer and winter, and it locks as soon as a baby is placed inside. Within about a minute, an alarm goes off inside the building to alert first responders.

Also, inside the box is a packet of information and supportive resources for the person dropping off the baby. It includes how a mother can care for herself postpartum, and how to request to gain custody of the baby within 30 to 45 days if a parent changes their mind.

Meise said she believes the box is a way to save lives without passing judgement on a parent going through a difficult time.

“There are options,” she said. “Know there are options. It can be really scary, but you’re not alone. This resource is here if you need it.”

There are plans to install Safe Haven Baby Boxes in other cities in Wisconsin over the next year.

The nonprofit, Safe Haven Baby Box, also offers an anonymous number for any parent in crisis to text or call: 1-866-99-BABY-1.