WISCONSIN — Tuesday's primary election in Wisconsin will be the first to utilize new legislative maps and boundaries, after Gov. Tony Evers signed them into law several months ago.
"A lot of constituents and their legislators who are running are having to learn new territory," said Jeff Mayers, president of WisPolitics.com. "They're having to work extra hard, the incumbents."
In addition to various primary contests, voters in Wisconsin will also be asked to weigh in on whether the governor or legislature should have the power to allocate federal funds, but Mayers said it's still not clear whether the chance to vote on the constitutional amendments will drive voters to the polls on Tuesday.
"It's an unusual thing — we don't know how to gauge this," Mayers said. "There has been media attention and there's actually been paid advertising on the question, so voters are much more aware of it."
Watch the full interview above.