MILWAUKEE — Mark Mone, the chancellor of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, announced he will step down from his position on July 1, 2025.

This timeline, he said, will hopefully allow for a smooth transition as the university selects its next chancellor.

“Being your chancellor is as rewarding as it is challenging, and it’s a role that requires round-the-clock attention. At the end of our next academic year, I will have been chancellor for 11 years – twice the average tenure of college presidents today and longer than any of UWM’s chancellors, with the exception of our founding chancellor, J. Martin Klotsche. With our momentum on many fronts, now is the right time,” Mone said in a statement shared with the UW-Milwaukee community.

But it’s not a full exit from UW-Milwaukee. Mone said he plans to return to the university’s business college as a professor July 1, 2025, as well.

Mone became UW-Milwaukee’s ninth chancellor in 2014. He started working at the school in 1989.

“For the past decade, Mark Mone has consistently elevated UW-Milwaukee with the goal of improving the lives of students and enriching the greater community. He has deftly balanced UW-Milwaukee’s dual roles as both a research and access university, helping it earn and maintain top-tier research status while also launching initiatives such as the Moon Shot for Equity," Universities of Wisconsin president Jay Rothman said in a statement. "I am pleased that Mark will continue as Chancellor for the current academic year and then return to the faculty. We owe Mark a debt of gratitude for his service and look forward to his future of ongoing service at UWM."

“Chancellor Mone has been an unwavering advocate for UW-Milwaukee, its students and the surrounding region. His accomplishments in higher education of 35 years will resonate throughout Wisconsin for decades. As one of the longest-serving chancellors within the Universities of Wisconsin, Mark has earned the respect of his colleagues and the Board of Regents," UW System Board of Regents president Amy Bogost said in a statememt

Mone was a first-generation college graduate. He holds a bachelor’s degree in organizational management from Central Washington University and an MBA from Idaho State University. He also has a PhD in organizational behavior and organization theory from Washington State University. 

Read Mone's full statement, here


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