MILWAUKEE — A well-known Milwaukee sports bar is getting a win that has nothing to do with the Packers, Brewers, Admirals or Bucks.

What You Need To Know

  • Major Goolsby's will be open to the public during the RNC

  • Staff said they hope being featured on the official security map will help drive business

  • The bar is decorating ahead of the convention

Major Goolsby’s will be open to the public during the Republican National Convention through a pedestrian access way.

When the U.S. Secret Service released its security perimeter maps, Major Goolsby’s learned pedestrians will still be able to enter the bar, meaning they can stay open to the public during the convention.

The bar is called out specifically by name in the official Secret Service maps, marked as the green square.

(Map courtesy of U.S. Secret Service)

Drew Olsen is a manager at Major Goolsby’s. Olsen said being open for pedestrian access just happened and was nothing more.

“(It was) just the way it worked out with their hard zone and soft zone. We don’t have an in with the Secret Service,” said Olsen.

From a practical standpoint, Olsen said he hopes being open to both RNC attendees and the public will mean a busy convention week for the bar.

In addition, he said being called out by name on the security maps might be a plus for hungry convention-goers.

“We are looking for the fact that people see that map and say, ‘Boy, this is a place we need to see what it is all about, because they are listed on the map specifically,’” said Olsen.

Major Goolsby’s is taking full advantage of the RNC traffic to decorate. It hired a sign painter to decorate the windows in patriotic colors and logos.

“I am just going for patriotic, not really one party in particular, just red, white and blue, flags, just showing Milwaukee is beautiful and a part of America,” said artist Melissa Casper as she painted an exterior window.

Olsen said they are ramping up staff for the convention to accommodate extra visitors. He said it also has at least one RNC-specific event being hosted at the bar.