MILWAUKEE — After months without much, if any, significant movement in various presidential polls across the country, Thursday night’s debate may have shaken things up and more impactful events will soon follow.

“Trump’s VP pick, the sentencing of Donald Trump and the RNC,” said Dr. Anthony Chergosky, a professor of political science at UW-La Crosse.

The RNC will begin on July 15, just four days after a judge in New York sentences former President Donald Trump on 34 felony counts.

“This has been an unusually busy political calendar,” Dr. Chergosky said. “Typically June and July are sleepy months, even in presidential election years, but this time around, we’ve had a felony conviction for one of the candidates, we’ve had what I consider a pretty consequential debate and then we’ve got all these things coming up in July.”

Watch the full interview above.