MILWAUKEE — Coach busses fill the back parking lot at Lamers Milwaukee area depot on the city’s far south side. On a Thursday morning, only a few buses need to be used. Come July, that will look a lot different.

What You Need To Know

  • Bus operators are planning ahead for the Republican National Convention

  • Lamers Milwaukee bus operations will be kept busy

  • Drivers, management are planning ahead

Dean Brown heads up Lamers Milwaukee area operations. Brown said Lamers will be very busy in July providing transportation for the Republican National Convention (RNC). Lamers is one of several coach bus companies from around the state that will be contracted to assist with transportation.

“When you are dealing with the individuals we are going to have in town, the scope of this, the number of people, it is definitely different than your normal convention that comes in or meeting group that comes in,” said Brown.

Brown expects to have about 60 drivers working during the RNC. It means making sure all drivers pass security checks in order to work inside the secure zone.

“You have got to start making sure you have your drivers lined up, you have drivers that cancel vacations or work vacations and off days around taking care of this,” said Brown.

Brown estimates almost all of his fleet of 120 buses will be used in some fashion during the RNC. Brown said he expects that most of his busses will need to be left inside the security perimeter for the duration of the convention.

(Spectrum News 1/Ryan Burk)

Brown is no stranger to big events, he has even transported Olympic teams and well known celebrities and bands. Be it the RNC, or any other large-scale booking, he plans to be actively involved in the process.

“Be there, be on site, there are some companies that will take on something of this magnitude and not be anywhere around. When I do an event like this, any high profile event, I always make sure I am on site, answer any questions that come up.”

Lamers is one of many Milwaukee area coach bus providers contracted to help with transportation during the upcoming RNC.