WRIGHTSTOWN, Wis. — Many Wisconsinites are trying to get out on the water and have fun during the summer. A small business owner from Green Bay, Wis., is doing her part to get the community involved.

What You Need To Know

  • Sheri Boe started Kayak Wisconsin four years ago during the pandemic. She said seeing others out on the water and teaching classes make her happy

  • She now has four different locations with places to rent kayaks

  • Boe is certified by the American Canoe Association to teach up to level two kayaking. Classes are an hour long

  • She focuses on the basics so everyone can enjoy themselves recreationally

Sheri Boe started Kayak Wisconsin four years ago during the pandemic. She said seeing others out on the water and teaching classes make her happy.

(Spectrum News 1/Geno Perez)

“It really grew a ton at that time,” said Boe “Now that everybody's back in, all sports and everything, I actually think it's harder for people to find time to get out. But when they do, I just hear positive feedback all the time on how happy they are.”

During her classes, she preaches safety. She said falling out of the kayak can happen to anyone and potentially be dangerous. That is why she recommended hitting the water with a buddy instead of alone.

(Spectrum News 1/Geno Perez)

“Probably the biggest thing I preach more than anything is not to just have your life jacket in the boat, but to have it on you,” said Boe. “We hear too many stories of a kayak flipping, and if your kayak flipped and you're not wearing your life jackets, then your lifejacket does you no good. So that's probably the biggest thing I [say] to people.”

One of her students, Joseph King, has been kayaking for two years. He said it’s a great way to try something new and see the outdoors.

He said he learned a lot in the couple of years he has been out on the water.

(Spectrum News 1/Geno Perez)

“I'd say some things that I didn't know would be how fast the water would take you [and] how strong the currents could be,” said King. “Because one minute the water looks very calm and then the next minute you're getting swept back up to shore.”

Boe is certified by the American Canoe Association to teach up to level two kayaking. Classes are an hour long.

She focuses on the basics so everyone can enjoy themselves recreationally.  

(Spectrum News 1/Geno Perez)

“The amount of positive feedback we get is astronomical,” said Boe. “I do remember starting a small business expecting a bunch of Internet trolls and we really have an experience that we really have been welcomed with warm thoughts and praises all over the place because people just love being out in the water. So that's been excellent.”

She now has four different locations with places to rent kayaks.

Boe said she is happy she decided to take the leap and make a splash with a business in her own community.