MADISON, Wis. — Gov. Tony Evers on Monday announced he will move forward with plans for operational and instructional audits of Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS). 

What You Need To Know

  • Gov. Tony Evers on Monday announced he will move forward with plans for operational and instructional audits of Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS)

  • The announcement comes after support was received from the MPS School Board of Directors and local community leaders

  • Evers had announced the audits last week Friday as a “more comprehensive review than the ongoing MPS audit” which only involves the district’s financial statements

  • Requests for services will be sent out in the coming days, according to the administration

The announcement comes after support was received from the MPS School Board of Directors and local community leaders. Evers had announced the audits last week Friday as a “more comprehensive review than the ongoing MPS audit” which only involves the district’s financial statements.

The administration said it will begin the process of selecting independent, outside auditors with “necessary expertise and experience conducting audits in classroom and educational settings.”

Evers said there are two goals in hiring the auditors: to look at operations, the instruction of Wisconsin kids and support for educators in the classroom.

An operational audit would include reviewing and evaluating MPS’ systems, processes and procedures. It would then identify areas for improvement.

An instructional audit would include reviewing and analyzing MPS’ instructional practices, methodologies and policies. This could include, but would not be limited to, school and classroom learning environments, professional development policies and practices, curriculum implementation and leadership.

Evers said having an auditor with the right qualifications to look at these areas will be “exceedingly important” in order to “inform future conversations about solutions.”

“I’m grateful the district and local community leaders are supportive of this effort, and I look forward to proceeding with these audits in support of MPS, our kids, families, and educators, and the greater Milwaukee community,” Evers continued.

The two audits would be overseen by Evers, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and state superintendent Jill Underly.

Requests for audit services will be sent out in the coming days, according to the administration.