KENOSHA, Wis. — Eleven-year-old Jaxon Thomas is not only Mr. Sweetheart America, but he’s also Mr. Kenosha and Mr. Wisconsin. 

He competed in the Sweethearts of America National Pageant and captured the hearts of both the judges and crowd. 

What You Need To Know

  • Jaxon Thomas has both autism and ADHD

  • He said he doesn't let his disability impact his ability to succeed 

  • Jaxon Thomas participated in a pageant and won Mr. Sweetheart America

“I think the best part of it was meeting new people,” said Jaxon Thomas. “It was fun having fun.”

His mother, Autumn Thomas, said this was a huge accomplishment for her son. She said he has both autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 

“That’s not easy,” said Autumn Thomas. “There was flashing lights. I could tell that he was counting, breathing. He had a great opponent who was like just breath. This was something he wanted to do, which I was shocked. I was like, ‘we can go out the door anytime.’”

Jaxon Thomas said he competed in the pageant to highlight those with disabilities. 

“I wanted to accomplish this goal just because I wanted to show kids with different needs, to show that they can do anything they put their mind too,” said Jaxon Thomas.

He said he’s hoping to put his new platform to good use.

“People don’t have homes anymore,” said Jaxon Thomas. “I don’t think people should be on the streets.”

Jaxon Thomas also serves meals at God’s Kitchen and attends events with the Kenosha Police Department. 

“I did a couple stuff,” said Jaxon Thomas. “I’ve been doing this a lot lately.”

He said he has hopes of making the world a better place, all while including those of all abilities.