RACINE, Wis. — Adults at the Racine Friendship Clubhouse are growing their skills behind the keyboard.

What You Need To Know

  • The Racine Friendship Clubhouse received a grant from the United Way to offer typing classes
  • The clubhouse is a mental health service that empowers adults living with mental illness

  • Those who visit the clubhouse regularly said they believe it is a valuable resource

The Racine Friendship Clubhouse is a mental health service that empowers adults living with mental illness.

The typing classes are offered thanks to a grant that Racine Friendship Clubhouse received from the United Way. 

Hayden Snyder is a regular visitor to the facility. During his recent lesson, he learned where to place his hands on the keyboard.

“I’m trying to get better with the keyboard," said Snyder. “I’m learning how to type because my typing skills are meh.”

Snyder said he believes learning how to type will help him explore his creative side.

“It will help me with writing scripts, help me with screen plays or writing code, things of that nature, [and] just getting things done in a quicker manner,” said Snyder.

Nancy Jones said this was her first time taking this type of class.

“I have an Apple computer and I could put stuff on my Apple computer at home,” said Jones.

Ernie Rodriguez was in a similar situation.

“One of the girls taught me how to [use] the computers," said Rodriguez.

Melissa Ramirez is the work-order day coordinator. She said the Racine Friendship Clubhouse recently received money from the United Way to update the tech at its facility.

Ramirez said this is just one way the organization can help adults living with mental illness succeed.

“They can use these skills so they can go back to school or if they want to find a job that they have to learn typing or how to use computers," said Ramirez. "We are here to help so they can use this information and put it in employment or education.”

But for Snyder, it’s not just about education.

“Friendship Clubhouse, it’s in the name," said Snyder. "You make friends in here and you get to know people and try to communicate more out here. It’s very helpful for me.”

That’s why Snyder, Jones and Rodriguez each said they are thankful to have a resource like this in their community.