MILWAUKEE — The phrase "winter in Wisconsin" likely inspires thoughts of skiing, snowmobiling and ice fishing, but a relatively balmy winter in the Badger State so far has many Wisconsinites warm enough in a sweatshirt and many tourists rebooking their trip to next year, hopefully.

"So far this year, due to Mother Nature and Old Man Winter not getting together to get us any snow," said Kim Emerson, executive director of the Eagle River Area Chamber of Commerce, "our visitorships are down right now."

Emerson said businesses are doing their best to adjust and holding out hope that as we turn the page to February on Thursday, more traditional winter conditions find their back to Wisconsin.

"We are the snowmobile capital of the world," Emerson said. "[Tourists] are going to come up here to go snowmobiling. They're going to come up here to go skiing, ice fishing, fat tire biking, snowshoeing— it's a winter bonanza and a lot of fun."

Watch the full interview above.