WATERTOWN, Wis. — A Brookfield firefighter is finally home after a devastating injury that left him in the hospital for weeks.

In September, Adam Yaresh was picking up his daughter, Bailey, from homecoming, when the two got into a serious crash on their way home. Miraculously, Bailey only suffered minor injuries.

But Adam Yaresh’s were critical.

He injured his neck and spine and lost feeling and function in his arms and legs. He spent eight weeks in the hospital and a rehabilitation facility. Now, he is finally at home, as he continues to recover. 

What You Need To Know

  • A Brookfield firefighter was severely injured in a crash in September

  • He injured his neck and spine and lost feeling and function in his arms and legs

  • Within just two months of the crash, he was able to graduate from rehab and go home to continue his recovery

  • He’s also received an outpouring of emotional and financial support from his coworkers, community and even complete strangers

“It’s really rough,” he said. “It’s tough to be in the position that I am in currently.”

Adam Yaresh has worked as a firefighter and EMT for nearly two decades. His family also owns a bison farm in Watertown. He’s always been active and has a passion for helping others. He said this new diagnosis has been a challenge, to say the least.

(Photo Courtesy: Andrea Yaresh)

“Going from that, to being unable to get something out of the cupboard on my own or get a drink of water has been an extreme challenge, and by far the hardest one of my life,” he said.

However, throughout his time in the hospital and rehab, he’s continued to defy the odds. After the crash, he was unable to move or use his arms and hands. He’s now moving them and is working to get stronger each day.

Within just two months of the crash, he was able to graduate from rehab and go home to continue his recovery. His goal is to be able to walk again one day, and he has a personal goal to take steps in 18 months.

“Hopefully, the good Lord provides me with the opportunity to get back on my legs,” he said. “That’s the definitely, and will always be the goal.”

(Photo Courtesy: Andrea Yaresh)

The progress he’s made hasn’t been on his own. His wife, Andrea, along with their two kids, have been by his side since day one. He’s also received an outpouring of emotional and financial support from his coworkers, community and even complete strangers.

“I feel like it has not stopped, and it has been amazing,” Andrea Yaresh said. “That’s honestly what keeps us going, is all the support from our friends, family.”

“I have an army of people behind me, some I don’t even know at this point, which is pretty awesome,” Adam Yaresh said.

(Photo Courtesy: Andrea Yaresh)

Andrea Yaresh helps Adam with his exercises. He said he is working around the clock to build back his body, so it’s as strong as his mindset and determination.

“If you can maintain a positive attitude, focus on what’s important, and don’t take anything for granted, you can accomplish anything, honestly,” he said.

With that mindset, he’s planning to overcome the biggest challenge of his life, and walk again, with his family and community by his side.

(Spectrum News 1/Megan Marshall)