MANITOWOC, Wis. — Students in the Manitowoc public school district will now have free school meals starting Monday.

What You Need To Know

  • USDA approved the school district’s waiver request to rejoin the free meal program

  • Superintendent Feil initially opted the district out of the free meal program and later reversed that decision

  • Feil said his decision to opt out of the free lunch program was well-intended, wanting only to serve student in need and not the entire district

  • Manitowoc School District will reinstate free meals starting Nov. 6

Earlier this year, Manitowoc School Superintendent James Feil opted out of the Community Eligibility Program. The Department of Agriculture program allows school districts with high poverty rates to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost. 

The USDA approved the school district’s waiver request to rejoin the free meal program because the school district missed the June 30 deadline.

Feil said his decision to opt out of the free lunch program was well-intended. He said he wanted this program available only to students needing free meals, not the entire district.

“There was no question that we were continuing to feed those who qualified for free and reduced. And we also put in a safety net to make sure if there was anybody with extenuating circumstances whose parents didn’t qualify, but still needed assistance, we are going to reach out for that,” Feil said.

Matt Sauer has a teen enrolled in the Manitowoc Public School District. He said he’s happy this school lunch issue had a swift resolution.

“I’m really excited that the issue could move that quickly. Thank you to the district administration for doing their part quickly and for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) for the federal government piece to move so quickly,” Sauer said.

Feil said he wants to put the school lunch issue to rest and now concentrate on academic success.

“I’m delighted that the board recognized that and supported me in terms of extending this program, so that we, again, don’t have to concern ourselves with that issue anymore and we get focused back on student achievement,” Feil said.

The school district will reinstate free meals starting Nov. 6.