WISCONSIN — Saturday, Oct. 28 is Drug Take Back Day in Wisconsin.

On the day, Wisconsinites are encouraged to dispose of unwanted or unused medications. It’s a way for people to safely dispose of them and also educate the community on the potential abuse or consequences of improper storage.

Addiction often starts with improper storage, as it allows easier access for them to be stolen, misused or abused.

“The simple step of cleaning out your medicine cabinet and properly disposing of unwanted medications can help in the fight against the opioid epidemic,” said Attorney General Kaul in a statement. “I encourage Wisconsinites to participate in this fall’s Drug Take Back Day.”

Unused prescriptions should also not be flushed or poured down the drain. This can cause trace amounts of pharmaceuticals to show up in rivers and lakes because the water facilities aren’t designed to remove them.

Over 140 events are planned for Saturday for safe disposal. Over 270 law enforcement agencies are also taking part, according to the Wisconsin Department of Justice.

All you have to do is bring medications you no longer need, want or can use to a collection site. When you bring them to a drop box, no questions are asked, and it only takes a few minutes.

For a full list of locations accepting drug drop-offs and more information on the collection from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, click here or search our table below.

Several places have permanent take back boxes should someone need to dispose of medicine before or after Drug Take Back day. For more information, click here or search our table below.