MILWAUKEE — With no shortage of cyber scams popping up week after week these days, it's not uncommon for someone to find out that he or she's become a victim before it's too late.

"I think it starts with, 'How do we protect our home?'" said Tina Chang, the CEO of Wisconsin-based SysLogic. "Especially because we're working remote and working hybrid, how do we protect our home to then protect our work, and so I think we take for granted connected devices these days."

In the midst of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Chang took part in a cybersecurity summit Friday at the Milwaukee School of Engineering— a way to both highlight the state of affairs in the cybersecurity industry as a whole while also putting out the word that Wisconsin needs more cybersecurity professionals.

"We definitely do not have enough cybersecurity professionals in Wisconsin or the nation," Chang said. "We have over 700,000 unfilled jobs, cybersecurity jobs, and we don't have the pipeline of students or people getting re-skilled to fill those jobs."

Watch the full interview above.

Correction: The previous version of this story misspelled Tina Chang's name. This has been corrected. (Oct. 16, 2023)