MILWAUKEE — The Republican National Convention in July 2024 is expected to bring thousands of people to Milwaukee.

From catered parties to transportation to and from the airport, Milwaukee-area businesses will be kept busy as people use their services.

What You Need To Know

  • Several businesses are seeing results from the recent RNC Vendor Fair

  • It provided businesses an opportunity to collaborate with other vendors
  • Businesses are already gearing up for a busy week next July during the convention

On the day of the Republican presidential debates in August this year, the Republican National Committee hosted an RNC Vendor Fair. More than 300 Wisconsin businesses got to show off their products and services to RNC attendees, including representatives from different state delegations.

Tamesha Patrice was one vendor who set up at the fair. Patrice owns Baked Dreams and Dream Catering Company, a bakery and catering service based in Milwaukee. Patrice said she is glad she took part in the fair.

While it is too early to know exactly how many bookings she will have during the RNC, she said it was a great opportunity for her to collect business cards from potentially interested clients.

In addition, Patrice said the RNC fair was a chance for her to make connections with other Milwaukee-area businesses that she could collaborate with.

“We are already getting emails about partnerships and working with some of the companies that we met and from the people. I think it was definitely beneficial for us as a business. We are already seeing the value in it,” said Patrice.

It isn’t just small businesses that say they expect to see a benefit from their time at the RNC Vendor Fair. Larger companies, such as Waukesha-based Coach USA Wisconsin, said it served as a good networking opportunity.

Coach USA Wisconsin Coach General Manager Tom Dieckelman said while they expect to be very busy during the RNC, having a chance to meet potential clients face-to-face made a difference.

“It was great to meet a lot of the different delegates and the groups they are handling. I collected a lot of business cards and I think it is gonna be great for Milwaukee,” said Dieckelman.

Both Patrice and Dieckelman said they will spend time over the next ten months planning ahead for the convention, making sure they are ready for an influx of business. The RNC will take place July 15-18, 2024.