WISCONSIN — Reps. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., and Danny Davis, D-Ill., have reintroduced the Resilience Investment, Support, and Expansion (RISE) from Trauma Act, they announced Thursday.

The bipartisan bill aims to increase support for kids and adults who have experienced and/or been exposed to trauma, including parental addiction, witnessing violence and abuse.

In the U.S., about 35 million kids have had at least one traumatic experience, according to a press release issued by Gallagher. The RISE from Trauma Act would expand the country’s trauma-informed workforce and “enhance resources for communities to better support those who have experienced trauma.”

The proposed legislation would seek to increase funds for community-based prevention and healing efforts. Additionally, the bill would aim to expand the trauma-informed workforce in schools, health settings, social services and judicial settings.

“Northeast Wisconsin has seen firsthand how trauma-informed care can help kids, veterans, and other members of our community overcome the long-term effects of trauma,” said Gallagher. “This bill takes steps to further empower Wisconsin’s trauma-informed workforce and ensure our communities have the support they need to continue to lead in this transformative space.” 

The RISE from Trauma Act would do the following, according to Gallagher’s press release:

“Trauma is a very personal issue for my community and my family,” said Davis. “I understand the deep and pervasive harm it causes, and I am honored to work with Representative Gallagher and Senators Durbin, Capito, Duckworth, and Murkowski to champion policies to prevent and mitigate the trauma that far too many children and families in Chicago and in our nation endure. The RISE from Trauma Act helps strengthen the health and well-being of Americans by increasing funding for community-based efforts to prevent and heal the impact of trauma and expand the trauma-informed workforce in school, health, social service, and judicial settings.”

Gallagher and Davis founded the Trauma-Informed Care Caucus, which enacts policies that “expand trauma services and improve health provider training to help children and families exposed to trauma, and leading funding requests for key trauma programs.” 


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