CALEDONIA, Wis. — The Caledonia Police Department received an email directed to Sgt. Robert Lyle from a driver he pulled over more than a year ago.

That driver credits Lyle with saving his life.

What You Need To Know

  • Our latest Everyday Hero is a police officer from Caledonia.

  • Sgt. Robert Lyle unknowingly saved a man's life after arresting him for a DUI.

  • The driver sent Lyle a heartfelt email about their interaction.

Their paths crossed the night of May 15, 2022. Lyle had just started his patrol when he noticed a driver excessively speeding and swerving. He initiated a traffic stop.

Caledonia Police body camera footage of the traffic stop shows the driver was cooperative and apologetic. Lyle arrested him for driving drunk. He never thought he would hear from him again.

(Spectrum News 1/Megan Marshall)

Then came the email in which the driver explained that he was in a dark place and was going to try to take his own life by rolling his vehicle. Being pulled over by Lyle, he said, helped changed his course.

“I know it may be strange, but I wanted to say thank you and tell you why. For months prior, I was riding life at rock bottom. I lost a cousin to an overdose, I lost a friend to cancer and lost a grandfather all within weeks,” the email read in part.

“Without you pulling me over, I wouldn’t have seen such great things in my life," the email continued. "Welcoming a new niece and seeing my nieces smiling every time their uncle comes around. I also wanted to thank you because with you stopping me that night, I am one year sober."

Lyle — who grew up in the area and has been with the Caledonia Police Department for 15 years — said this email is unlike anything he’s gotten before. He never expected to hear from the driver again. He said he is proud to have been able to make such an impact at a crucial time in this man’s life.

“This email right here is exactly why I do this job,” Lyle said. “This email at the end of my career, which I hope has many years left, will mean more to me than most everything else I do and respond to.”

He said he hopes to be able to meet the driver again and wishes him the best in life.