SALEM, Wis. — It isn’t every day a high school senior is able to balance athletics, academics, student organizations and volunteering with their church.

What You Need To Know

  • John Kinzler of Westosha Central High School has been named a Spectrum Scholar Athlete 

  • Kinzler plays tennis, volleyball and basketball

  • He's involved in several school clubs and is also active in his church 

  • He plans to attend Liberty University in the fall 

However, Westosha Central High School senior John Kinzler manages to make it look easy.

“I have found if you do the things that are most important to you, you will find time for them,” said Kinzler. “I have always been a big proponent of managing my time well, making sure I am going home getting my school work done first thing.”

(John Kinzler)

On a windy weekday afternoon, you’ll find Kinzler on the tennis courts practicing his swing.

Despite never playing the sport until freshman year, Kinzler has excelled. Last year, he and his doubles partner advanced to the state tournament.

“It was kind of a magical moment because here I was never playing tennis three years earlier, then I am on the biggest stage in the state up in Madison playing against some of the best guys in the state,” recalls Kinzler.

Tennis is far from the only activity Kinzler has found success in. In the fall, he plays volleyball and in winter, he plays basketball.

Kinzler is also involved in numerous other school activities and volunteers with his church.

“My goal has always been to have as many different experiences as possible and make the most of my high school experience because it is only four years long,” said Kinzler.

Kinzler’s hard work and “can do” spirit has left an impression not only on his fellow students but also on adults in the community.

Jim Landgraf is a family friend and was Kinzler’s 6th grade teacher. Landgraf has continued to follow Kinzler’s success. He said he is impressed by all Kinzler has accomplished and also his humble nature.

“It’s not about John Kinzler, it is about who God made him to be and how he is using his talents,” said Landgraf.

(John Kinzler)

Kinzler said he plans to continue his academic journey in the fall at Liberty University in Virginia, studying finance.

While Kinzler doesn’t have plans to play sports at the NCAA level, he said he knows the skills he has learned through athletics and through his community involvement will serve him well throughout his life.