MILWAUKEE — After a storm drenched California, some were killed and many were left without power.

President Joe Biden on Monday issued an emergency declaration to support relief efforts in the state.

Among those providing support are nearly 50 people from WE Energies and Wisconsin Public Service. Leaving Wisconsin on Saturday, Jan. 7, they traveled across the country to help tens of thousands who lost power in the storm.

Crews announced they began their restoration efforts Wednesday.

Amy Plato was one of those who went to help residents in California. She’s an area manager for WE Energies.

“Here at We Energies and WPS, we’re a pretty tightknit family, and we want to help. Being a part of a restoration effort like this is really amazing. These guys are so proud to be able to come to California and help the customers here,” said Plato.

Plato said it may take at least two weeks to restore power to those affected. They’re assisting local energy crews from Pacific Gas and Electric.

“The PG&E employees, they’re exhausted. We’re here to at least help them get some rest so we can take over, help them out. We have a good group here — we’re going to get some work done,” Plato added.

And WPS and We Energies aren’t the only crews assisting. Many have come from around the country to help residents turn their lights back on.

Plato said residents have been responding well.

“People are excited that we’re here. They want to get back in power,” Plato said. “It’s just really amazing how we’re welcomed with open arms.”

This isn’t the first time We Energies and WPS have provided support to other states. In 2018, the companies sent crews to Puerto Rico for a period of two months to help rebuild the electric grid after Hurricane Maria.