MILWAUKEE — As this week’s winter storm continues to bear down on the Badger State, time is running out for Wisconsinites to be ready for it.
“Now’s a great time to make sure any emergency kit you have in your home is ready to go,” Andrew Beckett, a spokesman for Wisconsin Emergency Management, told Spectrum News 1. “Fresh batteries for the flashlight; a battery-operated or hand-crank radio just in case you lost power; extra food and some water in case you’re unable to leave home for a period of time.”
And for those Wisconsinites who were still planning to travel in spite of any potentially dangerous conditions out there?
“If you have to travel and it absolutely can not be avoided, make sure that you have an emergency kit in your vehicle,” Beckett added.
Watch the full interview above.
Here is the full list of safety steps from ReadyWisconsin:
- Make sure you have food, water and other supplies in a home emergency supply kit. It should also include a battery-operated or hand-crank radio and extra flashlights and batteries.
- Keep cellphones and other electronic devices fully charged in case you lose power.
- If you don’t already have one, create an emergency supply kit for your vehicle. Include jumper cables, sand, a snow shovel, a flashlight and spare batteries, warm clothes, blankets, bottled water and nonperishable snacks. Make sure you have a full tank of gas.
- If you have travel plans for Thursday and Friday, consider delaying them or leave before the storm. During a winter storm, stay off the roads if possible. If you must be on the road, check 511 Wisconsin for updates on major routes. It is available online at or through the 511WI mobile app.
During and after the storm, stay safe with the following tips:
High winds combined with snow could result in homes losing power and delay the ability of utility crews to repair damaged lines. Have a plan on what to do if you lose power. Identify family or friends you may be able to stay with, along with contact information for your utility to report an outage and to receive updates on restoration times.
If your heat goes out, close off any unneeded rooms. Stuff towels or rags in cracks under doors. Close blinds or curtains to retain heat in your home. Remember to eat or drink because food provides your body with energy to produce its own heat. Open your faucets to a steady drip so water pipes don’t freeze.
Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. If a power outage occurs and you use a generator, place it outdoors and at least 20 feet away from windows, doors and attached garages. Never bring a grill or outdoor heating device into your home.
If you are traveling and become stranded, call for help and stay with your vehicle. Run the motor about 10 minutes every hour for heat. Keep the exhaust pipe clear of snow to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Make your vehicle visible to rescuers by leaving a dome light on while the car is running and tie a brightly colored cloth to the antenna.
High winds could result in dangerous conditions along shoreline areas and cause branches to fall from trees.
With frigid temperatures and windchills, limit your time outdoors and watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia.
Reduce the risk of a heart attack by avoiding overexertion when shoveling snow and walking in the snow.
Check on friends, family and neighbors who may need assistance.
Protect your pets from winter weather by bringing them indoors or making sure they have adequate shelter outdoors.