MILWAUKEE — As a 10th open enrollment period began Tuesday under the Affordable Care Act at, Wisconsinites with a health plan through the federal marketplace were able to renew or upgrade their plans, while those without coverage were able to sign up.

"Health insurance is vital to protecting both your health and your financial health," Julia Garvey with Partnership Community Health Center told Spectrum News 1. "Being able to enroll in affordable coverage is vital to our Wisconsin families."

According to the Wisconsin Department of Healthcare Services, the individual health insurance market grew 8% from 2019 through 2021, with more than 200,000 Wisconsinites using the marketplace to get coverage for 2022.

"Navigators can help you on the website,," added. "Most people qualify for significant savings in the form of subsidies that reduce both their premiums and their out-of-pocket costs."

The marketplace is now open through Jan. 15, 2023.

Watch the full interview above for more information.