MILWAUKEE — A long-standing veteran organization is expanding with a new mental wellness facility.
Next to Vets Place Center, a yellow and red home is under construction. It’s being renovated into a mental wellness facility.
For decades, the Center for Veterans Issues has been serving veterans and soon, they’ll be able to reach veterans struggling with mental health issues across Wisconsin.
“When they feel good and do good, they can do some amazing things. Veterans are the ultimate professional and we want to make sure we help them get back to where they once were,” CVI President Ed Garza said.
Garza said this house will be turned into a welcoming environment where staff can get veterans the help they need.
“We want it to be a home where people feel comfortable coming here and asking for help,” Garza said.
Rooms inside the house will be transformed into office space for a team of people ready to intake and help veterans. There will be new ADA accessible bathrooms and a place for veterans to feel safe and ready to take the next steps.
“It’s going to be something that is very needed in this area because we have a lot of people who are hurting and that are in crisis and pain. We are really excited that our organization is getting to help those veterans that are in need,” CVI Vice President of Housing and Development Berdie Cowser said.
Currently, the house is having the electrical redone and new HVAC systems put in. From there, they are going to reconfigure some spaces and begin putting in fresh paint and aesthetic touches.
The goal is to get veterans back on their feet and provide them with the care they deserve.
“We want to be able to be an organization that says you can come to us, we can provide you some care and resources to you that will hopefully help you get back on your feet,” Garza said.
The project is expected to be around 70% complete by December and will hopefully welcome veterans in the New Year.