MILWAUKEE— The number of homicides in the City of Milwaukee continue to rise, according to Milwaukee police department’s mid-year review.

The review, released Tuesday, evaluated crime statistics from January 1 through June 30.

Homicides in Milwaukee were up 38% between January and June compared to that same time period in 2021. In 2021, there were 80 homicides in that time compared to 110 in 2022.

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson and Milwaukee Police Chief Jeffrey Norman said they partially blame the 38% rise in homicides on guns being too accessible.

Johnson called for stricter background checks.

“I have said that time and time again, too many people in Milwaukee, too many people in this state, too many people nationally, who have guns that shouldn’t have their hands on a trigger in the first place,” said Johnson.

“We can’t talk about this without knowing there are guns used to settle arguments— simple disputes where folks should just talk it out, have an argument, maybe even have a fistfight, but then still see the light of another day because they don’t whip out a gun to solve that dispute,” Johnson added.

Norman said powerful weapons on the streets of Milwaukee are also contributing to the problem.

“We understand there are individuals utilizing high capacity weapons— weapons that have 50 round drums, 30 round clips. Unfortunately, that impact in regards to those particular non-fatal shooting incidents where we are seeing more individuals harmed,” said Norman.

While homicides are up, other crime areas have seen improvements, according to the review.

Norman cited an improvement in the rate of reckless driving in the city. In the first half of 2022, crashes decreased by 15%; hit and runs decreased 19%. Norman credited community partnerships and increased law enforcement in lowering those rates.

Burglary and auto theft rates also were down year-to-year, per the review.