MILWAUKEE — This Sunday marks the celebration of Orthodox Easter. Many Ukrainians across the state gathered at churches to celebrate. They have been able to remain strong to continue their traditions during this major religious holiday.

“It’s a special day,” St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church member, James Rarasymiw said.

Many gathered at St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Sunday to celebrate Orthodox Easter. It’s a longstanding tradition and dozens poured inside to worship.

“It really feels good to have a full house like this,” Rarasymiw said.

Many are hoping the Easter message of resurrection takes on more meaning than just one during this time of war.

“Today is a memorial for Jesus who has risen from the dead. Life can start over again. People are coming here for many reasons and for some I think it's for what’s going on in Ukraine right now,” member Ed Bergey said.

Many members of this church have friends and families in Ukraine. They say it’s been hard these past weeks watching their country under attack.

“We are strong. We have built all our life over 300 years strong," member Tatiana Migliaccio said. "We are very strong. We are going to fight for Ukraine until the end."

No matter the circumstances, these Ukrainians say they are proud of their heritage and traditions and will  continue to celebrate both here and in Ukraine.

“We will celebrate it doesn’t matter if we have war because it’s in our heart every year,” Migliaccio said.

It’s a day to be thankful and carry on their traditions with families across the globe.