MILWAUKEE — Police K-9s have a big job in helping to keep the community safe. Even the smallest K-9 in the area has big shoes to fill.

Atilla is the Milwaukee VA’s police K-9. He is one of a few dozen VA hospital police K-9s across the country. He works in Milwaukee and has made quite an impact over the past few years. When the leash goes on, Atilla goes to work.

“Want to find some dope? Search!” Sgt. Adam Mrotek with the Milwaukee VA Police Department said.

Atilla is a five-year-old Jagdterrier with a nose unlike any other

“He is certified in five drugs,” Mrotek said. “Meth, heroine, cocaine, MDMA/ecstasy and marijuana.”

To keep up with his skills, Atilla does regular training. This includes searching for drugs planted by another officer in the hospital.

 “He’s going to take in the room. Take in the odors. He is going to be a dog and survey the room but he’s working, trust me,” Mrotek said.

Mrotek is Atilla’s partner. They work side by side. Atilla is smaller than you would imagine a police K-9 to be but that doesn’t stop him from excelling at his job.

He is able to locate drugs, help find patients if they go missing and provide some joy.

Atilla is the smallest VA police K-9 in the country, but his presence is larger than life.

As the pair walks the hallways of the hospital, you can see patients and staff members’ eyes light up. For some staff members, seeing Atilla is the best part of their day.

“This is what it’s all about. It’s about people knowing him. Him being seen, him being friendly," Mrotek said. "At the same time he is a dog and everyone loves dogs."

He is able to share his spunky personality with everyone at the hospital. He brings joy to those who are burnt out while still keeping the campus safe from drugs.