MILWAUKEE— Before performing over the next few months in places like Dubai, Reykyavik and Prague, beloved Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli will launch his worldwide tour in Wisconsin.

Bocelli said, through a translator, "L'unica cosa che mi porta in giro per il mondo è l'affetto del pubblico" [The only thing to bring me around the world is the affection of the audience].

Like most artists and performers, once COVID-19 started to spread, Bocelli paused his in-person performances, though he continued with a rigorous slate of online events, most notably his performance on Easter Sunday, 2020, at Milan's Duomo Cathedral, which 42 million people have streamed worldwide.

Now with his first in-person concert since the start of the pandemic set for next Wednesday, Oct. 13 at Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Bocelli said this particular concert will be unique, both for himself and for the audience.

Bocelli said, through a translator, "Ovviamente questo concerto sarà diverso dai precedenti, perché sarà il primo dopo tanto tempo dal periodo della pandemia, quindi sarà come rincontrare un caro amico o qualcuno che non vedete da tanto tempo, e questo sarà sicuramente un concerto diverso da tutti i precedenti, e il messaggio che vorrei trasmettere alle persone è un messaggio di buone vibrazioni, positività e un altro incentivo, un'altra motivazione, che potremmo incontrare di nuovo in futuro" [Obviously, this concert will be different from the previous ones, because it will be the first one in a long time since the pandemic period, so it will be like meeting again a dear friend or someone you haven't seen for a long time, and this will be for sure a concert different than all the previous ones, and the message I would like to convey to people is a message of good vibes, positivity and another incentive— another motivation— that we could meet again in the future].

For more information on next Wednesday's concert, along with tickets and parking information, click here.

You can see the entire interview with Bocelli above.