MILWAUKEE— Power is set to be fully restored by Saturday for all We Energies customers in Wisconsin.

With this week's storms, communities all across the state have been dealing with power outages, including Milwaukee, where neighbors have been without power for two days, hoping for some relief soon.

It’s been a long few days for people with outages, but it's been equally long for energy crews working to get the power back up and running.

“Certainly over the last 20 years, we have not seen anything like this,” We Energies President, Tom Metcalfe said.

Thankfully relief is on the way with over 1,000 crews out in the Milwaukee area. This makes it the largest deployment in We Energies history. Power is expected to be 95% restored by midday Friday and fully restored by Saturday for all of their customers.

“We know this has been incredibly hard. We know how tough it is to be without power for this extended period. We know it’s stinking hot. We know our customers are struggling, and we want to thank our customers for their patience,” Metcalfe said.

Meanwhile off of fifth street in Milwaukee, employees at Savoys, a local bar and grill, have been working overtime trying to save their food until their power comes back on.

“Doing it isn’t hard, but the extra money you have to spend to be constantly doing it day and night is hard,” Savoys employee, Antonio Jones said.

The team has been icing down their food three to four times a day for the past two days and with already over 10 cases of chicken in the trash, they are hoping to save over a dozen more boxes. It’s costing them over 100 dollars a box.

However, this team is remaining positive and hoping to host 50 cent wings this Friday if the power comes back on.