MILWAUKEE— Local Black businesses got the chance to come together at the MKE Black Summer Marketplace Saturday. They said it’s a perfect time to unite once again, following the Bucks' win this week.

“We had so many people down at a Deer District,” said Rick Banks, executive director of MKE Black. “I was down there. There was some people from everywhere, all over the country, all over the state, all over the city.” 

Business owners at MKE Black Summer Marketplace said all of the events before and after the win brought a positive spotlight to the city. 

"It really put us on the map,” said Briana Crump of My Sweet Thang, which serves cheesecakes and desserts. 

The win brought people of different backgrounds together and showing a sign of hope for days to come. 

“It does open our eyes [to show] that we can work together as a community,” said Kyle Wallace of radio station 101.7 The Truth. “This was a celebration for the state of Wisconsin to show that individuals that come from different walks of life can come together and build greatness.”

For many people, this win was about more than just the sport. 

"In actuality it is just basketball,” said Alexander Hagler of A&M Organics. “There’s a lot of things in this in this world that we should be paying attention to, but every now and again we need these moments. We all have a lot more in common than we think.” 

Many are thankful for the week of celebrations and hope it doesn’t end with the Bucks. These business owners are confident that this can start a catalyst of change for more unity in our communities.