MILWAUKEE — A Veteran from Milwaukee is helping boost women through her start-up business.

What You Need To Know

  • Navy veteran builds businssess out of her basement

  • Donna Cazzuto is a clothing line to inspire and empower women

  • Veterans Business Outreach Center helped Jordan get her business off the ground.

Many veterans in Wisconsin have the opportunity to jumpstart their  businesses thanks to local support and resources  from the Veterans Business Outreach Center. For Navy veteran Taneal Jordan, the opportunity has been a dream come true.

Taneal Jordan’s hard work began about two years ago.

“I think that is the true American dream. Coming up with an idea to change your life and then doing it,” Donna Cazzuto Owner, Taneal Jordan said.

She’s a Navy veteran who has found a passion for empowering women through her clothing line Donna Cazzuto.

“I don’t think I would be the strong independent business owning woman that I am right now without the U.S. Navy,” Jordan said.

She started Donna Cazzuto as a passion project back in 2019. It’s a clothing line that has power words printed on athletic wear for women to help boost confidence and self worth.

“I wanted to inspire other women to learn to love themselves again, to show them that they are ambitious, they are fearless they are beautiful,” Jordan said.

She was able to bring her business to where it is today with the help of the Veteran Business Outreach Center and is now able to help impact the lives of other women and even veterans just like her.

“Our brand is about healing and that’s why we use power words like ambitions, strong, resilient, because that’s what women truly represent,” Jordan said.

She’s found her way through the Navy and using tools like mindfulness, and now wants to help others find their path through her clothing line.