MILWAUKEE— A Milwaukee newspaper is finding a way to share the Juneteenth holiday with the community.

The weekly newspaper "The Milwaukee Times" is producing a special Juneteenth Strawberry Soda. It is available for sale at their offices on N Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and at several restaurants and stores around Milwaukee.

For staff at the paper, the soda isn’t just about having a fun drink; it is something symbolic for the Juneteenth holiday.

"Milwaukee Times" marketing manager, Carmen Murguia says it holds historic significance.

“The color red and the strawberries represent the blood of the people,” says Murguia. “When the slaves were freed in 1865, when they were told in Galveston, Texas, they celebrated with red— creating juice out of strawberries that they picked.” 

The proceeds from the soda go to support a local scholarship program. ​