MILWAUKEE — After the start of the new year, resolutions to live healthier start to dwindle.

But a local chef is on a mission to hold us all, but especially those in underserved communities, accountable. He’s doing so by teaching healthy, virtual meal preps.

Each week from UW Milwaukee’s campus, Chef Marvin is teaching his viewers that healthy meals can be just as delicious through his online cooking demonstrations viewed on Facebook. Marvin hopes to encourage those living in food deserts in and around Milwaukee communities where healthier options are few and far between. 

Now through his sessions, he’s witnessing firsthand how a healthy diet can in some cases replace medication and even lower the risks of cancer.

“I’ve seen people with type two diabetes, the milligrams of their medications are lower or taken off all together, so I’ve witnessed it,” Chef Marvin said. “I’m not talking about something I’ve read about.”

These with weekly demonstrations and food provided or made possible to a grant from Kohl's Healthy Families

Chef Marvin’s next cooking demo is Thursday and can be viewed from the Healthy Eating Active Living Milwaukee Facebook group.