MILWAUKEE— The Milwaukee Fire Department said farewell to the man at the helm on Friday.
It was an emotional send-off to a Milwaukee Fire Chief on Friday. Chief Mark Rohlfing was in tears as he gave a heartfelt thank you and goodbye to the department he served.
“When people ask, I will tell them yes, I was a firefighter for 37 years, and I will tell them I was a Milwaukee firefighter,” Milwaukee Fire Department Chief, Mark Rohlfing says.
Chief Mark Rohlfing was in the fire service for nearly 40 years. He served as a chief for the Milwaukee Fire Department for the past 10 years.
“It really was one of the best decisions we ever made. I’m proud of having served in the Milwaukee Fire Department. We didn’t think we would be here 10 years but it went by very quickly,” Chief Rohlfing says.
Chief Rohlfing was the first fire chief to be appointed outside of the department, coming from his home town of Nebraska.
“Even though he was from out outside he didn’t come in and change everything we were doing. He took a few steps back and looked around let us know what we thought meant something as well,” Milwaukee Fire Department Deputy Chief of EMS, Sharon Purifoy says.
Rohlfing is known for his re-establishment of the fire cadet program, shared services, and a focus on firefighter health and wellness including mental health.
“The relationship that Mark has built within the Milwaukee County Fire chiefs, with the state fire chiefs has been incredible. Sometimes when you are the largest urban fire department in the state you don’t have to do things with others but Mark did that to ensure the service was the best for those we serve,” Greenfield Fire Department Chief, Jon Cohn says.
It was a bittersweet moment for a Chief who loves his fire family but is looking forward to a retirement with his wife.