MILWAUKEE (SPECTRUM NEWS) — Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales will keep his job, given directives to meet by August 6.

Monday night, the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission met in a special meeting to discuss the fate of Police Chief Alfonso Morales. The meeting lasted less than 30 minutes before the board decided to leave Morales with a list of 11 directives to meet in the next 15 days.

Those directives include providing written documentation on a series of issues from specific cases, to the use of gas during recent protests, and the settlement of a lawsuit. While sources had told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Morales could be fired, he wasn't on Monday, but his job could still be in jeopardy.

"Failure to comply — be it further resolved that failure to comply fully and promptly by these directives will result in further disciplinary action by the board, including discharge, suspension or reduction in rank pursuant to 6250 Wisconsin statute," Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission Executive Director Griselda Aldrete said.

Deadlines on various directives are spread out over the next two weeks with the final deadline and meeting with the commission set for August 6.

“It's one of two things. Either they are going to give him a chance to do his job, they are probably going to give him a bunch of directives to do, which we don’t know what they are, or they are going to fire him. one of two things,” Milwaukee Police Association President Dale Bormann said ahead of the Monday night meeting.

The crowd of around 100 or so protestors were not happy with the outcome of the meeting. Boos filled outside Milwaukee City Hall once they heard the news.

“I wish Joel Acevedo, and Alvin Cole and the other families had a second chance, another chance to get it right. Unfortunately, they don’t have that opportunity so we hope that the chief meets the directives,” protestor Khalil Coleman said.

The Chief has just over two weeks to respond to their requests.

“The board of the Fire and Police Commission of the city of Milwaukee herby direct Milwaukee chief of police Alfonso Morales to promptly a full public and accurate explanation for the use of tear gas and the use of spray during peaceful civic disturbances and the tactics that warrant those actions within 15 days,” Aldrete said.

Meanwhile, the parents of Acevedo, who was killed by police, said they hope to see justice throughout this journey.

“I hope for justice to come out of it, for Chief Morales to be removed and put someone else there that is going to be in touch with the community,” Joel’s father, Jose Acevedo said.

The community said they feel a lack of trust with the chief, so moving forward they said changes must be made.