BROOKFIELD, Wis. (SPECTRUM NEWS)— Hundreds of protestors lined they streets on Thursday afternoon in Brookfield.

People line the streets outside of the Brookfield library to show their support for the black lives matter movement.

“I never thought I would see civil activism in Brookfield. I have lived here since the 60s and I have found this to be an extremely conservative community,” Protester, Robert Sewell said.

Robert Sewell and his wife Caryl showed up to support their two black grandchildren who are in middle school. They said being there meant putting their health at risk amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“I was hoping to have an opportunity to be safe. We are the higher risk group for COVID but we wanted to demonstrate our support for all this important stuff,” Protester, Caryl Sewell said.

All who are present believe it’s a movement that is changing the way many view the world and the rights they hope all to have.

“To see so many people showing up in a predominantly white area is amazing,” Protester, Devyn Parrish said.

Devyn and her son Malcom, who is named after Malcom X, came to their first protest here in Brookfield with hopes of seeing the support of their community.

“I hope he doesn't have to go through the same thing. This is the thing our grandparents marched for and here we are doing it again. So I hope he doesn’t have to repeat the same thing in 18 years or who knows when,” Parrish said.

The protest lasted for a few hours and remain peaceful throughout.​